One Year On

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Shroomies Launch

It will be a year on the 24th of feburary since shroomies launched. It doesn’t feel like a year.

Since then, I’ve made ducks and squirrels (now “retired”), turtles, bunnies, spiders frogs and now working on flutterbugs. I now have over 450 flowers available in my garden game. I’ve got more than 150 items catchable via my fishing game and dragonflies have a new mesh.

I think that’s a pretty good effort. :)

We have a small community, but they are a great bunch, and seem to enjoy the things which is also great.

Shroomie markets came and went.. it was fun but a little too much too soon.

Two of our community are planning to start markets that include my stuff, and one is considering hosting an auction.

I think this next year things may pick up a little - which is good, but also a little scary.

Being small with such a great little community has meant bugs and downtime have been met with understanding and patience.

With a larger group there will likely be more work with customer support, more opportunities for Second Life to randomly eat stuff, and more noticable to griefers.

I’m looking forward to the next year, and am happy with how the last one has gone.