Xundras Little Grid 2

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I’ve been working on setting up Xundra’s Little Grid - this time, locked down with no hypergrid.


Well, one of my main goals in Second Life is to make breedables affordable. They should be fun for everyone - but not everyone can afford land to put them on. A region in SL costs quiet a lot, and is out of reach for many (including myself).

So, I thought I’d make an opensim grid that people could rent regions from me much cheaper, and could transfer breedables between them.

It’s like other grids that are set up as an alternative to Second Life, but meant as a way to augment it. There is no money system on my grid, so no buying and selling, that all has to be done in second life.

So, you can keep your favourite breedables on Second Life, and transfer the rest to my grid and if you get something good, transfer it back to Second Life and sell it, trade it.. etc.

So how does it work? Well first you need to sign up to my grid. To do so, you can visit a travel center in Second Life, and click the signup board. This will generate a key that you use on the signup webpage - and is the way your second life avatar is associated with your XLG avatar.

Great, so once you’ve signed up you can log in.. but how do you get your pets there. How do you buy food when there is no money system?

Well, to get your pets there, in the travel center, there is a board where you can get a transport tube. The transport tube will let you transfer a pet from second life to XLG. The pet can then be redelivered by the XLG avatar that is associated with your Second Life avatar.

To buy food, you pay a food board in Second Life, this adds a bowl of food to your available foods in XLG in XLG you click the food board and deliver the food to yourself.

To get the pets back, there is also a transport tube board that you can use in the same way as the one in Second Life.

How do you rent a region from me? I haven’t worked out the details yet… but I suspect it would be an L$ transaction in SL. Perhaps using a rental system.

That’s the idea anyway. It’s in testing now with New Turtles and Serpents supported. You’re welcome to come and give it a go1, we have a seperate region with plots set up which you can have one of for free while trying it out.

Please be aware though, this is still in testing.. it needs to be viable to work. I don’t care about profit, but I need to cover my costs.

Oh, and like I said earlier, this isn’t to replace second life. Second Life will still have priority of my time.

  1. Xundra’s Little Grid Travel Center: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Brimsen/35/54/3001 ↩︎