XTEA for Opensim

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If you’ve tried using the XTEA encryption code I referenced in the “Let’s Make a Breedable” blog series on OpenSim, you may have noticed it failing inconsistently.

The reason it fails is due to difference in the llBase64ToString in opensim and Second Life, and the fact that the XTEA code pads zeros to the Base64 string it is to decode.

Sometimes, there will be extra junk characters at the end of the decoded string, which may throw off your breedable.

You can get around this by trimming off the extra characters - but how do you know if they are there or not?

What I did was modify both the XTEA encryption and decryption methods to add a length header, so on encryption instead of encrypting “Some String” it will encrypt “11!Some String”. Then the decryption method gets the number at the start, and returns the string of that length with llGetSubString..

Here is the XTEA code with my modifications.

integer XTEA_DELTA      = 0x9E3779B9; // (sqrt(5) - 1) * 2^31
integer xtea_num_rounds = 6;
list    xtea_key        = [0, 0, 0, 0];

integer hex2int(string hex) {
    if(llGetSubString(hex,0,1) == "0x")
        return (integer)hex;
    if(llGetSubString(hex,0,0) == "x")
        return (integer)("0"+hex);

// Convers any string to a 32 char MD5 string and then to a list of
// 4 * 32 bit integers = 128 bit Key. MD5 ensures always a specific
// 128 bit key is generated for any string passed.
list xtea_key_from_string( string str )
    str = llMD5String(str,0); // Use Nonce = 0
    return [    hex2int(llGetSubString(  str,  0,  7)),
        hex2int(llGetSubString(  str,  8,  15)),
        hex2int(llGetSubString(  str,  16,  23)),
        hex2int(llGetSubString(  str,  24,  31))];

// Encipher two integers and return the result as a 12-byte string
// containing two base64-encoded integers.
string xtea_encipher( integer v0, integer v1 )
    integer num_rounds = xtea_num_rounds;
    integer sum = 0;
    do {
        // LSL does not have unsigned integers, so when shifting right we
        // have to mask out sign-extension bits.
        v0  += (((v1 << 4) ^ ((v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v1) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, sum & 3));
        sum +=  XTEA_DELTA;
        v1  += (((v0 << 4) ^ ((v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v0) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, (sum >> 11) & 3));

    } while( num_rounds = ~-num_rounds );
    //return only first 6 chars to remove "=="'s and compact encrypted text.
    return llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(v0),0,5) +

// Decipher two base64-encoded integers and return the FIRST 30 BITS of
// each as one 10-byte base64-encoded string.
string xtea_decipher( integer v0, integer v1 )
    integer num_rounds = xtea_num_rounds;
    integer sum = XTEA_DELTA*xtea_num_rounds;
    do {
        // LSL does not have unsigned integers, so when shifting right we
        // have to mask out sign-extension bits.
        v1  -= (((v0 << 4) ^ ((v0 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v0) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, (sum>>11) & 3));
        sum -= XTEA_DELTA;
        v0  -= (((v1 << 4) ^ ((v1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF)) + v1) ^ (sum + llList2Integer(xtea_key, sum  & 3));
    } while ( num_rounds = ~-num_rounds );

    return llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(v0), 0, 4) +
        llGetSubString(llIntegerToBase64(v1), 0, 4);

// Encrypt a full string using XTEA.
string xtea_encrypt_string( string str )
    // encode string
    str = llStringToBase64((string)llStringLength(str) + "!" + str);
    // remove trailing =s so we can do our own 0 padding
    integer i = llSubStringIndex( str, "=" );
    if ( i != -1 )
        str = llDeleteSubString( str, i, -1 );

    // we don't want to process padding, so get length before adding it
    integer len = llStringLength(str);

    // zero pad
    str += "AAAAAAAAAA=";

    string result;
    i = 0;

    do {
        // encipher 30 (5*6) bits at a time.
        result += xtea_encipher(llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str,   i, i + 4) + "A="), llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str, i+5, i + 9) + "A="));
    } while ( i < len );

    return result;

// Decrypt a full string using XTEA
string xtea_decrypt_string( string str ) {
    integer len = llStringLength(str);
    integer i=0;
    string result;
    do {
        integer v0;
        integer v1;

        v0 = llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str,   i, i + 5) + "==");
        i+= 6;
        v1 = llBase64ToInteger(llGetSubString(str,   i, i + 5) + "==");
        i+= 6;

        result += xtea_decipher(v0, v1);
    } while ( i < len );
    integer dotrim = FALSE;
    // Replace multiple trailing zeroes with a single one

    i = llStringLength(result) - 1;
    while ( llGetSubString(result, i - 1, i) == "AA" ){
        dotrim = TRUE;
        result = llDeleteSubString(result, i, i);
    i = llStringLength(result) - 1;
    //    while (llGetSubString(result, i, i + 1) == "A" ) {
    //        i--;
    //    }

    result = llGetSubString(result, 0, i+1);
    i = llStringLength(result);
    integer mod = i%4; //Depending on encoded length diffrent appends are needed
    if(mod == 1) result += "A==";
    else if(mod == 2 ) result += "==";
    else if(mod == 3) result += "=";

    string decrypted = llBase64ToString(result);

    integer lengthsep = llSubStringIndex(decrypted, "!");
    integer length = (integer)llGetSubString(decrypted, 0, lengthsep);

    return llGetSubString(decrypted, lengthsep + 1, lengthsep+length);